This is a personalized horse buying service, that allows you to utilize my years of buying experience. Finding your dream horse can go from fun to frustrating real quick. You can spend endless hours of searching online, messaging buyers, and traveling to various locations. Often what you thought was going to be the perfect horse, turns out to be three inches shorter and ten years older than advertised. Oh yeah, and it bucks sometimes.
I’ll speak with the sellers, and weed out the garbage. I know what questions need to be asked, and what red flags to look for. I’ll travel to the horse, and evaluate them on the ground and under saddle. Movement, confirmation, disposition are all things taken into consideration. Pictures and video will be sent to you during process. I can also arrange Vet exams and transportation if needed.
$500 per day to evaluate one to multiple horses. Any travel and hotel fees are also to be covered by you.

What do I need to provide with my horse when they come to the farm?- Any medical, dental, farrier history. If your horse is not current, it will be updated at the farm prior to being sold - Any pictures, video, competition records, are helpful. The more, the better. - Copy of the Registration papers, if any. - A halter and rope
Do you accept any horse at the farm to be sold?- No, I do not accept stallions, or any horse with stallion like behavior. - No cribbers. - No horse that appears to be in poor health, not sound, or underweight. - No horses with dangerous vices, such as bucking, rearing, bolting, kicking out at people or biting. - Please check your horse for soundness prior to bringing them.
Will I have contact with the new owner?- That is up to both you and the new owner.
How do you determine where to price the horses?- A lot has to do with the current market. What are people paying for comparable horses. - Age, breed, training, disposition play into this. - Owners often have an idea of what they want, and after I’ve evaluated the horse, that’s when we decide on a price. - Please keep in mind that your horse’s monetary value is not determined by what the horse once was, or what they could be with additional training. It’s not based off what you paid for the horse or how much you have financially or emotionally invested.
What happens if it does not work out for my horse and the new owner?- Every seller has the option to include a right-of-refusal in the sales contract.